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The Carl Faust Foundation presents its own publishing project under the name ‘Edicions de Marimurtra’

Aquesta nova editorial pretén ser una plataforma de divulgació de tota mena de continguts relacionats amb l’obra de Carl Faust i, en especial, el Jardí Botànic Marimurtra
The first work presented by this new publishing house is Carl Faust, Essential Biography, by the historian Eduard Puigventós López

The Carl Faust Foundation presents its own publishing house under the name ‘Edicions de Marimurtra’. This publishing project aims to be an instrument through which to provide content, materials and knowledge about the work of Faust and his main work, the Marimurtra Botanical Garden.

‘Edicions de Marimurtra’ is the first publishing house promoted by a Botanical Garden in our country and was born with the conviction that editorial independence can be a powerful tool to make a significant contribution to the general knowledge of botany, science and work. of Faust in different fields and at different technical and specialization levels.

The date chosen for the presentation of the publishing house is not accidental: a few days before St. George, the quintessential book festival in our country, and also just before the commemoration of the 70th anniversary of the death of Faust, the next April 24th.

The first work published under this new publishing house is a biography of Carl Faust entitled Carl Faust, an essential biography that contains the most important features contained in the biography published by the Carl Faust Foundation in 2018 entitled The Republic of Biologists. The author of this new version of the biography is again the doctor in history Eduard Puigventós López, author of the previous biography of Faust. The Essential Biography, published with the participation of the Diputació de Girona, aims to be a tool for disseminating Faust’s life that is more accessible to the general public, focusing on the most important moments of his life and giving great importance to images and graphic documentation. L’obra es podrà trobar en català i castellà i es podrà adquirir físicament a la botiga del propi Jardí Botànic Marimurtra, a les principals llibreries de Blanes i el seu entorn, així com a la botiga virtual del Jardí Botànic

From this first work, ‘Edicions de Marimurtra’ will also open other collections to delve into topics related to botany (such as Marimurtra’s strategic collections or the results of applied research projects carried out), knowledge and dissemination of the great figures of biology and science who have passed through the Marimurtra Botanical Garden, the recovery of historical texts, the dissemination of the contents of the Foundation’s archive or the promotion and popularization of botany , among others.

The Carl Faust Private Foundation was created in 1951 by Carl Faust with the aim of continuing his work, the Marimurtra Botanical Garden. Its founding objectives include “… the protection and promotion of studies of Mediterranean biology, especially in botany, […] seeking cooperation and international relations for the benefit, all in all, of scientific research and dissemination. … ”.

The Marimurtra Botanical Garden has been classified as a Cultural Asset of National Interest and in 2009 the Carl Privust Carl Faust Foundation was awarded the Creu de Sant Jordi by the Generalitat de Catalunya.



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