Monitoring of birds in the Marimurtra Botanical Garden: Report 2024

The environmental consultant Pere Alzina i Bilbeny has carried out an ornithological monitoring in the natural area of the Marimurtra Botanical Garden, in Blanes. In it, he details the birds that live there and also those that visit it sporadically. In total, the analyzed area occupies a total of 16 hectares between the sea and the mountain.

During the four censuses – two wintering and two breeding – a total of 36 species of birds have been detected, one more than those detected in 2023. As for the nesting species in the area and immediate vicinity, during the transects in 2024, 29-33 species were detected, while in 2018, 41 were detected (nocturnal included – duke, gamarús and deceivers-).

According to Pere Alzina, the species that have been found in Marimurtra represent 25% of the birds that nest in Catalonia.

This 2024 ornithological report contributes to a better understanding of the dynamics and wealth of the ancestral fauna of the Marimurtra Botanical Garden, highlighting its importance as a space for conservation and scientific research in the context of international botanical gardens.

Download here the bird monitoring report at the Jardí Botànic Marimurtra 2024 by Pere Alzina.