In August 2024, the rainiest and hottest day of the year was recorded according to the Marimurtra weather station

The hottest days of 2024 occurred in August, specifically on the 2nd (35.1 °C) and the 10th (34.9 °C), based on data from the Marimurtra Botanical Garden’s private weather station in Blanes, located in the 1st Garden, which can be viewed live at On the other hand, the coldest days of 2024 were January 8th (3.7 °C) and December 16th (5.5 °C).

Estació meteorològica Marimurtra

Regarding rainfall, a total of 565.20 mm of water was collected throughout 2024, exceeding the totals for 2023 (355 mm) and 2022 (510 mm). Although the wettest seasons were spring —83.10 mm in April and 82.7 mm in March— and autumn —81.30 mm in October—, it is worth noting that the rainiest day of the year occurred in August: on August 14th, 37.6 mm of water fell.

As for the sea, observations from the Marimurtra Botanical Garden highlight that 2024 was a very calm year. Specifically, the calmest month was July, with fourteen days of flat sea —0 cm height— and 13 days with slight ripples —between 0 and 0.1 meters—; whereas the roughest sea was observed in March, with four days of rough sea —between 1.25 and 2.5 meters high—, one day of very rough sea —between 2.5 and 4 meters—, and one day of high sea —between 4 and 6 meters high—.

Another metric recorded by the Marimurtra Botanical Garden is sky conditions. The month with the most cloudy days in 2024 was November, while the clearest skies were observed in July.

Two years ago, a new weather station was launched, collecting six parameters from three sensors located at different points: temperature, humidity (air and soil), rainfall, wind (direction and speed), atmospheric pressure, and solar radiation. Additionally, for over a decade, the Marimurtra Botanical Garden has hosted another weather station in the 3rd Garden, part of the AEMET network.

The current statutes of the Carl Faust Foundation include the collection of meteorological data at the Marimurtra Botanical Garden among its foundational objectives.

Caseta dels guàrdies Marimurtra