Get to know the story of the gardener Enric Omella with the Marimurtra Botanical Garden

Enric Omella, master gardener, tells us about his experience during his stay at the Marimurtra Botanical Garden in 1975.

He started in the world of gardening from a biology and geology teacher he had in high school at that time. The way the classes were taught made him motivated to study. To such an extent, at the age of sixteen, that he went to the library of the University of Barcelona to continue researching and learning about botany.

In this conversation with Jordi Fàbregas, head of the Marimurtra garden, he comments on the differences and tasks that are still valid today for the organization of the garden. The way of sorting and delimiting the plants by zones that can be found there, based on tiles, stands out. They are ordered alphabetically or by common characteristics.

He also explains his experience or collaboration between gardens where he was able to be a gardener, such as: Miramar, Cap Roig or Pinya de Rosa.