The Marist College donates a herbarium to the Carl Faust Foundation to restore, study and conserve it

The Col·legi Maristes Sants-Les Corts of Barcelona has ceded to the Fundació Carl Faust a preserved herbarium for the purposes of restoration, study and conservation. This herbarium consists of two folders that include about 100 sheets, most of them collected in Les Avellanes (la Noguera, Lleida) between the years 1940 and 1950.

The two herbarium folders were received by the director, Cèsar Martin, the natural sciences professor, Nacho Padró, and the curator of the herbarium of the Marimurtra Botanical Garden, Carles Burguera.

The study of the collection will allow adding new data to the region of La Noguera, as well as making known the handwritten annotations on many of the plants about their ethnobotanical uses: medicinal, edible and basketry, among others. Another objective is to corroborate the authorship of the herbarium with Germà Josep Cortina Capdevila (Pla de Sant Tirs, 1929 – Les Avellanes, 2018) based on his calligraphy and that of the folds.

In all, the Marimurtra Botanical Garden celebrates the good understanding with the center and its sensitivity to restore and revalue part of the scientific and educational heritage.